Friday, February 23, 2018

Moving Forward in 2018 (video)

Dear partners:
We hope you are enjoying your February! We hear from many of you, and hear how you are looking forward to spring and warmer weather. Here in Tabora Tanzania, we've been enjoying cooler weather too, although not as chilly as yours!  We're grateful for the rains, and the farmers here sure are too!

In our video today, we bring to you a need we have, a request so that we can start our Bible translation project for the Nyamwezi people of Northwestern Tanzania.

Thanks for watching our video. As we said, we have seen the need for the Nyamwezi Bible Translation project to have a reliable vehicle. Would you consider partnering with us for this vehicle fund? This would play a huge role in getting the Bible into the hands of the Nyamwezi people! Our aim is to have the $25,000 for the Toyota Hilux by the end of May this year, because it will likely take a couple months after that to actually get the vehicle, so that we can fulfill our goal of starting the project this summer. 

Thank you so much! We couldn't do this without you!

Jenneka and James

Instructions for Giving: 

For Canadians: Please go to for complete instructions on how to give. Please include a note with your donation that it is for Project IP-5 Vehicle Fund. (If you attend Forest Baptist Church, you can give cheques through the offering with attached note communicating that it is for the Lundeens, Pioneer Bible Translators, vehicle fund, just don't include our names on any cheques as usual.)

For USAians: Please go to for complete instructions on how to give. Let us know if you send a gift and wish it to go to the vehicle fund, otherwise we will consider gifts outside of regular giving as for the vehicle.

*For legal and tax purposes, all funds must go to Pioneer Bible Translators and not us personally, and our salaries and ministry expenses are paid by PBT Canada or PBT USA. Approximately 10% is deducted from all donations for organization processing fees.

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